What is a Retinal Scan?

Your optometrist has many different diagnostic tools they use during an eye exam. One of these tools is called a retinal scan, but how does this instrument work?  What is a retinal scan? Continue reading to learn more about this tool, including what it is, how it...

What Eye Issues Need Emergency Care?

You should receive a medical eye exam every year, but an emergency may lead to a surprise trip to your optometrist’s office. Accidents happen, but what is an eye emergency, and how do you know you need immediate care?  Continue reading to learn more about some...

Time to Lose Your Reading Glasses – Permanently?

A new eye drop is set to transform the lives of adults living with presbyopia or challenges with near vision in middle age. For centuries, ‘reading glasses’ or bifocals have been the only option for people with presbyopia. That is all about to change with the recent...