At Medical Optometry America, we understand that many patients feel apprehensive about the pupil dilation that comes with an Annual Eye Physical. While dilation is necessary for a comprehensive ocular health assessment, it comes with temporary side effects like blurry vision and light sensitivity, which can be inconvenient.

For individuals with packed schedules or sensitive eyes, dilation can be particularly burdensome. Previous methods of reversing dilation often required several hours, causing periods of discomfort or headache. The inconvenience of dilation is more than just a nuisance; it  disrupts daily life, and the inability to quickly reverse dilation often leads individuals to postpone critical eye exams.

Now there is a solution: Ryzumvi. Developed to address the needs of busy individuals, Ryzumvi is a revolutionary FDA-approved eye drop designed to swiftly reverse the effects of dilation, ensuring that you can get back to your daily routine with clear vision faster than ever before.

We are proud to be one of the first practices in the area to offer Ryzumvi. Moreover, MOA was one of the clinical trial sites for Ryzumvi, demonstrating our commitment to staying at the forefront of medical advancements and providing our patients with cutting-edge treatments.

Keep reading to learn more about eye dilation and how we use Ryzumvi to reverse these effects within 90 minutes, so that you can get back to your everyday life or work as soon as possible.

Is Eye Dilation Necessary For Eye Exams?

Before we explore dilation-reversal solutions, it’s important to understand why eye dilation is necessary and how it affects your vision. During a comprehensive eye exam, your eye doctor uses special eye drops to widen, or dilate, your pupils. This allows more light to enter your eyes, enabling a wider, more complete view of the back of the eye, including the retina, optic nerve, and the blood vessels that supply these structures. The information gathered from this part of the exam is vital to identifying early signs of eye disease and conditions such as retinal detachment or diabetes-related retinal damage.

However, once dilated, the muscles that control your pupil size need time to return to their normal state, potentially leading to several hours of impaired vision. This can be disconcerting for patients who need to drive or return to work immediately following their eye exam.

How Long Does Eye Dilation Last?

Typically, the effects of eye dilation can last anywhere from 4 to 24 hours, depending on the type of dilating drops used and the individual’s response to them. For most people, the peak effects of dilation will begin to diminish after a few hours, but it’s not uncommon for some degree of sensitivity to light and blurriness in vision to persist throughout the day.

Factors such as eye color, with lighter-colored eyes tending to stay dilated longer, and age, with younger individuals often experiencing longer-lasting dilation, can influence the duration of these effects.

The Need for Rapid Dilation Reversal

For individuals with a packed schedule or those sensitive to changes in light, extended dilation can be particularly burdensome. Previous methods of reversing dilation lasted several hours and often caused periods of discomfort or headache.

A prompt reversal of dilation is necessary for patients to resume their normal activities without visual hindrances or safety concerns, especially as driving after dilation can be dangerous due to increased light sensitivity and blurry vision.

In the past, busy individuals often had to reschedule and even put off their eye exams because they could not afford to have the “downtime” after dilation. With Ryzumvi the burden of downtime is dramatically reduced, making putting off eye exams a thing of the past.

In-Depth Look at Ryzumvi: Eye Drops to Reverse Dilation

Ryzumvi, formerly known as Nyxol, is a preservative-free, FDA-approved stable eye drop designed to reverse dilation effects. It was developed by Ocuphire Pharma and Viatris. This advanced eye care solution is revolutionary, offering a comfortable and swift dilation reversal that modern life requires.

Developed to provide relief to those with post-exam visual impairment, Ryzumvi’s action begins within 30 minutes, with most patients experiencing full dilation reversal between 60 to 90 minutes of use.

Your eyecare provider can  apply 1-2x drops as soon as you finish the exam and within 30-90 minutes you can continue with your everyday life, instead of waiting 6 hours or more.

Ryzumvi FDA Approval & Clinical Trial Results

Ryzumvi received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on September 27, 2023, for the reversal of pharmacologically-induced mydriasis (RM) produced by adrenergic agonist or parasympatholytic agents, or a combination thereof.

The approval of Ryzumvi followed a New Drug Application (NDA) filing in December, which was accepted by the FDA in February. The NDA was supported by extensive clinical trial data, including the results of the MIRA clinical trials.

The MIRA clinical trials, consisting of MIRA-1, MIRA-2, MIRA-3, and MIRA-4, evaluated the efficacy and safety of Ryzumvi in various ophthalmic indications. These trials involved a total of approximately 1100 patients, with over 650 patients treated with Ryzumvi. MOA was part of the MIRA Phase 3 trial from the end of 2021 to the beginning of 2022. The trials demonstrated promising clinical data for Ryzumvi’s use in reversing pharmacologically-induced mydriasis,  cycloplegia, and glare/halos around lights.

In the MIRA-2 and MIRA-3 trials, which included subjects aged 12 to 80 years with mydriasis induced by different mydriatic agents, Ryzumvi showed statistically significant superiority over placebo in rapidly returning dilated eyes to their baseline pupil diameter. The percentage of subjects with study eyes returning to ≤0.2 mm from baseline pupil diameter was statistically significantly greater at all time points measured from 60 minutes through 24 hours in the Ryzumvi group compared with the placebo group across both MIRA-2 and MIRA-3 trials.

Moreover, Ryzumvi consistently demonstrated a favorable safety and tolerability profile across all trials. Adverse reactions were generally mild and included instillation site discomfort, conjunctival hyperemia, and dysgeusia.

The positive results from the MIRA trials, along with the strong safety profile of Ryzumvi, led to its FDA approval for the reversal of pharmacologically-induced mydriasis. This approval marked a significant milestone in eye care, offering a novel solution to the challenges associated with prolonged dilation and enhancing access to comprehensive dilated eye exams.

Benefits of Ryzumvi

  • Rapid Recovery: The most notable benefit of using Ryzumvi is its ability to significantly reduce the recovery time after eye dilation. With the potential to reverse dilation effects in  30-90 minutes, patients can go back to work, pick up their kids, or go and run errands faster.
  • Enhanced Comfort: Ryzumvi has been designed to minimize visual symptoms  associated with eye dilation such as blurred vision and sensitivity to light, making the post-exam period more comfortable for patients.
  • Safety Profile: Approved by the FDA, Ryzumvi comes with a strong safety profile, making it a reliable option for quickly reversing the effects of eye dilation. Its use is supported by extensive research and clinical trials, ensuring its efficacy and safety across a wide spectrum of patients.
  • Versatility: Its efficacy in both adults and pediatric populations makes Ryzumvi a versatile solution for families and individuals alike, ensuring that everyone, regardless of age, can benefit from rapid dilation reversal.
  • Peace of Mind: Knowing that the effects of dilation can be quickly reversed offers patients peace of mind when scheduling their eye exams, especially for those who cannot afford to have extended downtime in their busy schedules.

Tips for Faster Eye Dilation Reversal

While Ryzumvi offers a stellar reversal solution, there are also natural ways to speed up the process. Here are some practical tips for reducing the duration of dilation:

  1. Stay in Well-Lit Areas: Sufficient lighting can help to constrict the pupils naturally. This can be especially beneficial immediately following the exam, as it encourages the muscles to return to their regular state.
  2. Stay Hydrated: Drinking plenty of water can also help hasten the dilation reversal process. Proper hydration supports the body in functioning optimally, including the eye’s natural responses to light.
  3. Wear Sunglasses Outdoors: Light sensitivity often accompanies dilation. Wearing sunglasses can shield your eyes from the sun’s brightness, providing relief and helping your pupils adjust naturally.
  4. Wait Patiently: Sometimes, all it takes is a bit of time. Most people’s pupils return to their normal size within 4-6 hours, unless you use Ryzumvi, of course!

Get Back to Life Faster with Ryzumvi: Book Your Eye Exam Now

Modern advancements like Ryzumvi have transformed the experience of the dilated eye exam. With the ability to quickly reverse dilation, patients can feel confident that their eye health is being thoroughly assessed without having to compromise their daily activities.

Whether you’re a working professional with a packed schedule or a parent on the go, innovative solutions like Ryzumvi ensure that both your vision, and your day, remain uninterrupted. If what you desire after your next eye examination is a quick return to daily life, ask your eye doctor about Ryzumvi.

At MOA, we are proud to be one of the clinical trial sites that helped to make these drops available to patients. Schedule your next eye exam at one of our eye health centers and experience the difference firsthand!