Depending on their severity, cataracts can have a drastic effect on your vision and quality of life. If your symptoms are not severe, you may be able to simply use prescription eyeglasses to clear up your vision. As cataracts develop and become a greater obstacle to seeing clearly, the only option to truly gain back your previous visual clarity is to receive cataract surgery.

What are Cataracts?

A cataract is a clouding of the normally clear lens of your eye. Cataracts affect your vision by making everything look foggy or cloudy. This can make simple, everyday tasks difficult or even impossible to perform due to a lack of visual clarity.

Early on in the development of a cataract, it may only affect a small portion of your eye and be relatively unnoticeable. As the condition worsens and the cataract grows larger, it will cloud more of your vision and distort light going through your lens to a greater extent.



Cataracts usually develop due to age and injury changing the tissue that makes up your eye’s lens. Genetic disorders, medical conditions (like diabetes), past eye surgeries, steroid medications, and other eye conditions can increase your risk of developing cataracts. 

As you age or are affected by other medical conditions, cataracts develop due to the lenses in your eyes becoming less flexible, less transparent, and thicker. The lens will eventually start to deteriorate and clump together, causing cloudy vision.

Types of Cataracts


Eyeglasses as a Treatment Option

Eyeglasses can help achieve visual clarity for those who do not have a severe case of cataracts. Eyeglasses will not permanently fix cataracts, and your condition can continue to worsen. You can change your prescription over time to try and continuously combat the effects of cataracts, but eventually, the condition of your eyes may necessitate having to receive cataract surgery.

Cataract Surgery

Why it’s Done

Cataract surgery is performed to treat cataracts and can be necessary if a cataract is interfering with the treatment of other eye conditions. If you have a cataract that is causing your quality of life to worsen, and you have trouble performing daily activities, surgery is your best option for treatment. 


Complications after cataract surgery are uncommon, and most complications can be effectively treated post-operation. Some of the risks of cataract surgery include:

What to Expect from the Procedure

During the procedure, your clouded lens will be removed and usually will be replaced with an artificial intraocular (IOL) lens (in some cases an artificial lens is not necessary). 

First, you will have to receive eye drops to dilate your eyes and a local anesthetic to numb the area being treated. 

Next, one of two methods will be used:

If you want to learn more details about cataract surgery, book an appointment with one of our eye care professionals.